Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why do you press the buttons harder on your tv remote control when you know that the battery has run out?


I do it on the off chance the remote is screwed/ the buttons have perished ( which is worse than the battery running out...

Basically we are just lazy mofo's!!!

good question!!!Why do you press the buttons harder on your tv remote control when you know that the battery has run out?
Well, i would suggest that when we press the buttons harder, we also take other measures to improve remote control signal. IE, when i think the batteries are going flat, my natural inclination is to press the button as hard as i can, point the remote directly at the TV, and lean forward a bit. I would suggest that while pressing the button harder makes no difference, the pointing and leaning do.

So basically, its the things we don't realise we're doing that makes the difference.Why do you press the buttons harder on your tv remote control when you know that the battery has run out?
My remote control has 10 buttons that fail, however the ones i need (channel changing, volume control, AV) all function perfectly.

I don't press the buttons harder when the battery runs out, but the faulty functionality could be a contibuting cause to people doing so.
Because it will recognise my anger and do what i want!!

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